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Thank you! I was able to get a dumpster on time and also get a swap out on the same day!! Had the best pricing. Thank you!

Tina, Stroudsburg, PA

I was very satisfied with their service. Very friendly and helpful I will use them again.

Carlos, Tobyhanna, PA

Great company and gave a great price. Great service…Great communication. We are very honest when to comes to reviews and have no problem with this 5-star review. GREAT SERVICE… GREAT PRICE.

Henry, Tannersville, PA

Wonderful service and people. Always prompt and willing to accommodate any time or day. Would definitely recommend.

Dina, Scotrun, PA

Friendly prompt service with reasonable rates.

Scott, Mt. Pocono, PA

That’s Gotta Go is as close to perfection as you can get in customer service! Friendly representatives, dumpster delivery and pick up always on time, great prices. They are extremely helpful. I highly recommend this company.

Cheryl, Wind Gap, PA

The dumpster arrived on time. They didn't require a site visit before dropping it off, it was dropped off the same day, the fees were as promised and the pickup was on time. We will never use or recommend another company. Thanks.

Jim, Pen Argyl, PA

Both dumpsters arrived right on time. Calling for a swap was a great experience on the phone and the dispatch was able to get a new bin here right on schedule to keep my project going. Very professional phone etiquette when calling in. The drivers were great too!

Eric, East Stroudsburg, PA

These guys are terrific. I’ve rented 5-6 dumpsters over the past several months. Always drop off and pick up at the designated time. Great equipment. VERY courteous. How does a dumpster company understand customer service this well?

Jennifer, Swiftwater, PA

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